Monday, August 3, 2009

Friendship Day 2@@9

Hey folks, it’s friendship day! The day to wish and greet our friends, to make new friends and renew broken friendship is back. People all over the world, irrespective of their ages, will greet their friends as they do every year on the first Sunday of August. It’s a great day to celebrate companionship, no matter what the kind is. It’s a day to recollect memories of friendships of schools and college lives and to share happiness with people whom you consider as your friends. Emails, chats, SMSs will be carrying friendship messages inn bulk from one corner of the world to another.

Wishing and greeting friends give a great feeling for one but the question how much intimacy is involved in the messages and mails that are conveyed by one friend to another? Do we really respect the spirit of friendship? I doubt! I know my reaction may annoy you but I am saying this from the bottom of my heart. What is the definition of friendship today? Just look at the world and you will find the answer. Limitless fun, party, entertainment, celebrations and drinks are what today’s friendship is all about. Everyone is in a ‘cool’ mood all the time. People are always pretending to be sharing everything with their friends, but do they really share everything? Ask somebody and he/she will say yes but the reality is little different. Behind the mask of ‘friendship’ there are things like sense of competition, jealousy and complexes that keep people mentally far from their friends. Everyone gets the first lesson on friendship at their school lives. Just see the scenario there today. Parents inject a sense of competition in their children. You have to better than him, she gets more marks than you, why can’t you, this time you should beat him in the sports event are things that parents keep on saying to their children to improve their performance which leads to the growth of a sense of competition among the tender minds who are ‘good friends’ of each other from outside.

At a higher level, there is competition for making better results in the examination. Friends congratulate each other for their performance at exams but deep inside they don’t feel happy about their friends because everyone wants to be the best. Then comes professional life, where this sense of competition grows into sweet jealousy. You will find a very little percentage of people who really feel happy about their colleagues. During confrontation they smile at each other but when the meeting is over, things like ‘he is less qualified but getting a lot more salary than me’ he is just lucky to be here’ ‘she is in no way better than me’ play in one’s mind. Today this jealousy has reached such a level that people do not even hesitate to tell lie to their ‘friends’! How many times have you seen your colleagues telling you ‘I am coming from an interview?’ they never say and the reason is they are scared of their ‘friend’ fortune. ‘If I tell him about this interview, he might approach the company and might get the job. I am not going to tell him’…is the thing that keep on playing inside the mind.

So is this really what we call ‘friendship’? Smile from outside and jealousy inside? I don’t think so. To me friendship is all about sharing. Sharing of happiness, sorrow, success, failure and worries. A friend should be an individual whom you wait for to share what’s going on in your life and when you plan to camouflage facts with lies in front of your friend, then you set a bad example of friendship. It better not to have such a friend whom you cannot trust. I wish people going through this post will disagree with my views and will try to prove me wrong. If I am wrong I will be happy. Happy Friendship Day to all.

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